PBG Healthcare Consulting
Gain real-world business and consulting experience through our semester-long consulting projects
PBG Healthcare Consulting, the Consulting Division of Penn Biotech Group, offers PBG members opportunities to engage in semester-long healthcare consulting projects with a diverse set of companies within biotechnology and the broader healthcare industry: ranging from startups, to Big Pharma, to MedTech companies and everything in between. PBG’s consulting projects run for 10-weeks each during the Fall and Spring semesters, and these projects are typically staffed with 1 Project Director, 1 Project Manager and 6-10 Team Members.
Working on a PBG Project:
Why should I do a project with PBG?
PBG is widely recognized as the best student-run healthcare consulting club in America. Engaging in a PBG project is a rare opportunity to gain real-world consulting experience. In an increasingly competitive job market, being able to talk about your real-world experience from your PBG projects can give you a significant edge over other applicants. PBG alumni consistently demonstrate faster upward mobility at consulting and finance firms compared to peers from other academic institutions.
How do I apply to work on a PBG project?
To join a project, you must BOTH (a) Become a PBG “Member” on Wharton’s CampusGroups (see instructions below), AND (b) Apply for a project, using the links below. After joining, the password and list of projects can be found on Campus Group, under Documents / Fall Projects 2023.
Universal Project Application
Project Manager (PM) & Project Director (PD) application due date:
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025 at 11:59pm (midnight)
Team Member (TM) Application due date:
Friday, January 24th, 2025 at 11:59 (midnight)
What kind of time commitment can I expect?
Team Members can expect to commit ~6-10 hours/week, while Project Managers can expect ~10 hours/week. Project Directors can expect to commit ~7-10 hours/week. The weekly commitment can fluctuate based on client needs. Most of our members find this commitment to be very feasible on top of their academic and research commitments.
What types of clients sponsor projects with PBG?
We have a wide mix of clients for PBG projects, ranging from big cap multinational companies to small startups. We additionally have VC, medtech, health tech, CRO, and payer organizations as clients.
How to Join:
To be eligible for a project, please go to the CampusGroups website and pay the membership dues. Follow the instructions below to sign up.
Note: Campus Groups recently changed how Non-Wharton Penn Graduate student accounts are treated. If you are getting an error similar to the one below, you must re-register your account with these updated instructions. You may need to re-register even if you had a prior Campus Groups account.
Step 1:
Go to the CampusGroups website.
Step 2:
If you are a member, please sign in using the PennKey login button. Do not type your Penn email and password in the dialogue boxes.
If you are not a member, please register first following the correct steps based on your Penn affiliation.
Step 3:
Once you log-in to your Campus Groups account, click on the “Groups” on the top left corner, followed by “All Groups.
Step 4:
Type in “Penn Biotech Group” and search. After Penn Biotech Group shows up, select the box and your membership option, then click “Join” at the bottom of the page. You will be asked to submit payment information afterwards.
Step 7:
After confirming the payment, you will be eligible for staffing on PBG Consulting Projects. Congratulations!